The Herbalist - - Dipaunka Macrides

Schisandra # / Schisandra chinensis

Schisandra #: Details, Properties, Effects






Folk / Common Names:

Chinese Pin Yin - Wu Wei Zi , schizandra, five taste fruit, herb of five tastes.


Antioxidant, adaptogen, anti fatigue, aphrodisiac, hepatoprotective, antidiarrhoeic, anti tussive, astringent, kidney tonic , demulcent

Part(s) Used:

The Berries / fruit


Schizandrin is one of the main dibenzocyclooctadiene lignans present in the fruit of Schisandra chinensis. Biological activities including hepatoprotective, antiviral and neuroprotective effects of schizandrin and other dibenzocyclooctadiene lignans have been reported . Other chemical constituents include γ-terpinene, bisabolene (+)-gomisin K2, gomisin S, pregomisin, schisantherin A, schicantherin B, angeloylgomisin Q, and rubrildilactione. Acids , phytosterols (beta-sitosterol and stigmasterol) vitamins C and E , volatile oils


for chronic coughs , asthma, thirst, excessive perspiration, spermatorrhoea, nocturnal emissions, profuse and frequent urination, chronic diarrhoea and dysentery . Because of its kidney tonic effect, schisandra is useful in treating thirst, night sweats, excessive sweating, urinary incontinence . Schisandra may be used to treat poor circulation and poor heart function. It may help to reduce fatigue, improve endurance, improve work performance, and build strength. It is recommended for persons who need high levels of energy, such as athletes. Schisandra is used to treat hepatitis and poor liver function. In one clinical study, schisandra successfully treated 76% of the patients with hepatitis. It has been shown to improve both virally and chemically induced hepatitis. It also has been shown to improve mental clarity, concentration, and coordination. It reduces forgetfulness, irritability, and nervous exhaustion. Schisandra is used to treat stress and may be part of a useful treatment for depression. Schisandra is also used to treat allergies. It treats respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath, chronic cough, and wheezing. Schisandra has been used to help improve failing sight and hearing. It enhances the sensation of touch. It tones the sexual organs of both men and women. It increases the production of sexual fluids, improves male sexual stamina, and treats premature ejaculation and low sex drive. It has been used to treat skin conditions, including hives and eczema. Because of its adaptogenic properties, schisandra can relieve insomnia and dream-disrupted sleep. Schisandra counteracts respiratory paralysis caused by morphine overdose, and strengthens uterine contractions to promote healthy labor and childbirth. General - The berries have sweet, sour, hot, salty, and bitter tastes--hence the Chinese name for schisandra, "Wu Wei Zi" (five-flavored herb) NB.Not recommended for people who have acid reflux or ulcers., contraindicated for epilepsy or high intracranial pressure, Not recommended for women who are pregnant or nursing

Majikal Uses:

None Known


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