The Herbalist - - Dipaunka Macrides

Herbal Consultations

In Plants we Trust. They are the interface for our Physical Bodies with Mother Nature.

Dipaunka has trained as a Herbalist/ Naturopath and has been in clinical practice in wholistic therapies including Massage/ Bodywork, Aromatherapy / Flower Essences, Herbal Medicine for over 34 years. He is  a teacher of Herbal medicine and has also have written many articles on herbs and healing for numerous publications. He continues to improve his knowledge base through, research and experiential work with the Herbs that are in his Clinic. 

He has a Vegetarian Cookbook available for purchase.

At the Herbalist Naturopathic Clinic the atmosphere is professional but relaxed . All consults and remedies are tailored to suit each individuals needs. To help in the choice of herbal tincture that is required,  the following techniques are employed oriental diagnoses, Naturopathic techniques and listening to what the Client requires.  Herbs are also used as tools to determine what will be most suited to each individual client. The modalities offered are as follows:

Diet and Nutrition:

Personalised diet based on food combining, acid / alkaline balancing, cleansing diets and nutritional advice. Dipaunka also advises the use of a few supplements like, Colloidal Minerals ( available when in  stock ) Enzymes, Spirulina and Bee Pollen, all of which contain micronutrients which are more readily assimilable in the body.

Herbal Therapy:

Dipaunka utilises pure herbal medicines that are prepared by Himself with help from assistants  on the premises .He uses personally made herbal tonics tailored to the individual needs using Kineseology to determine the best combinations. There are also specially pre-prepared Herbal blends for a number of different ailments eg : Hayfever, Weight loss, Insomnia, Impotence, Female Hormonal. See the Herbal Mixtures page . Individual herbal tinctures can be purchased on the Herbal Tinctures page.

Flower Remedies:

At the Herbalist we offer a range of Flower Essences made from The  Majikal Herb Garden. Bach and Australian flower remedies are also utilised  to assist with releasing Emotional blockages and related problems. They offer a gentle means of clearing these blockages which can and may manifest as Physical ailments.

To assist Holistically we must think of the person as a whole, not just a part or just a particular ailment or physical symptom. Dipaunka assists according to each persons needs, on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. In doing so he can effectively assist in long lasting and permanent relief of the particular ailments or disease states. Please be aware that the Herbs work on the emotions also and can stimulate emotional release as part of the process . If this occurs contacting Dipaunka  for your best course of action is advisable.

Dipaunka looks forward to assisting you on your way to a healthier, happier, disease free future.

Questions / Contact:

If you have any enquires please do not hesitate to contact me at The Herbalist Naturopathic Clinic on: 0412 180 796 

or email- [email protected]

Clinic days

If you wish to book an appointment, please ring me. I don't book appointments via email or by sms, it is too cumbersome.

Clinic is located in Gidgegannup.

Address given on booking of a consultation.

Thursday - 10.30am to 5 pm

Saturday - 10.30am - 2.00 pm





45 min - 1 hour Initial Consultation includes Herbal Consult, Kineseology, Diet & Relevant Handouts
 $ 70 concession  
 $ 90 waged  
1/2 Hour Mini or Repeat Consultations
 $ 45 concession  
 $ 65 waged
 Herbal Formulas are additional, cost depends on the size bottle. Generally we start with one months supply which is $65.  

Disclaimer: At The Herbalist, we do not diagnose disease or illness. We can offer programs to assist in your health journey, after you have had advice from your doctor or specialist. Should you have unexplained symptoms, please speak to your doctor or specialist. We make no healing claims about any of the products offered on this website.


The Herbalist appreciates feedback. If you would like to leave a testimonial for Dipaunka, you can do so easily by filling in this form.

Rachel Pedder here, you treated me for cervical cancer stuff, just to jog your memory. Anyway, i am thrilled to say i've had yet another clear pap smear, so its about three years since i saw you, i think. Anyway, i feel fabulous. I'm probably half the size i was too, and eat well. I am happy to offer my email address to any women you are treating for similiar stuff, as i have had success. If that's something you wish to pass on. Many thanks Rachel Moon.

~ Rachel Pedder

This is Jane, I just wanted to tell you - this herbal mixture is absolutely amazing. For my Pathogenesis test I got 91 !! I thought that was really good, but it wasn't out of 100. It was out of 94. Amazing hey !! It really makes my mind very clear and lets me concentrate and remember everything I need to. I love it. My mind feels really clear and alert and my memory is excellent. Thanks so much. Love and Light Jane

~ Jane

The Herbal Tonic to help with PTS and nerves/ anxiety proved to work better than any medication I have taken for this in the past ! Thank you so much .

~ Lilian

Hi Dipaunka, just a quick message to tell you several people commented on how calm I was when I returned to the Welshpool sweat shop. Nothing stressed me out for the rest of the day. I dont know what that yellow stuff was, but it works! cheers Caro

~ Caroline Lacy

Hey D , I 'm cured! Your potion fixed me almost immediately. No coughing at night time and no asthma attacks .. Yay! Thank you .

~ Angie Mcavoy

At times, I seek herbs from Dipaunka. It is evident Dipaunka has made a life-long practice of working with plants and it is refreshing to find a local herbalist growing their own herbs. Infused in his medicine, you may find a quirky sense of humour weaved into an enigmatic backdrop of boyish-energy alongside fatherly-wisdom. I suggest Dipaunka's most endearing quality to be his intuition, which I trust. Simon Martin, Chiropractor

~ Simon Martin

Btw its been years since we healed my cervix and all is well.

~ Rachel Moon (aka Pedder )