The Herbalist - - Dipaunka Macrides

Red Clover # / Trifolium pratense

Red Clover #: Details, Properties, Effects

Leguminosae /Fabaciae





Folk / Common Names:

Honey, Honey stalks, three leaved grass, Trefoil, Trifoil.


Alterative, anti cancer, antiscrophulatic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, diuretic,tonic,vulnerary.

Part(s) Used:



Salicylic acid, coumaric acid, isorhamnetin, a phytosterol glucoside trifalianol, a quercetin glucoside, essential oil, a phenolic glycoside trifollin, an hydroxymethyloxyflavone pratol, sugars including rhamnose, plant oestrogen, coumestrol, medicagol, coumarin, cyanogenic glycosides, flavonoids, mineral acids. Isoflavones – afrormosin, biochanin A, daidzein, genistein, pratensein, calyconin, psuedobaptigenin, orobol, irilone, trifoside. Also L-dopa-caffeic acid conjugates, minerals, vitamins.


Its main use internally is for the treatment of chronic skin conditions e.g. eczema and psoriasis. N.B. It has expectorant properties which is extremely useful as the lungs and skin are connected. This brings us to its use for coughs, whooping cough and bronchitis. The alterative and anti-spasmodic properties come into play here. Externally it can be applied to ulcers, burns, sores and other skin complaints. Its alterative action also make it an excellent blood cleanser. Now to its use for cancer treatment. Herbalists have been using it for cancer treatment for the last 100 years. The National Cancer Institute in America have found 4 anti-tumor compounds including doidzen and genistein in Red Clover. It also has been found to contain significant amounts of tocopherol which is antioxidant. Several studies also show that large quantities of Red Clover act like the hormone oestrogen. It therefore, may be useful for menopause. However it should not be used in women who have oestrogen related cancers or oestrogen dominant related diseases .

Majikal Uses:


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